Why we need apps on our smart phone

WHY We Need To Install Apps on our Smartphone 

 The modern world has become completely dependent on smartphones. We get our news, we catch up on what's happening, we talk to people, we play games, and we even keep track of how many times we pee and poo! But despite their popularity, some people don't understand just how much our smartphones have affected us. Let's take a look at seven reasons why we should actually start using apps again, rather than deleting them permanently.

Why we need apps
Why we need apps

 1- You Can't Turn Off Your Phone

 It seems like everyone I know uses their phone constantly, whether it be listening to music or checking work emails. While it's nice to have access to information whenever you want, it really isn't good for our brains. According to experts, having constant access to data overloads our brain, making us less able to focus on tasks. And when you're not focused, you're likely to make mistakes. If you've ever tried to do household chores while talking on the phone, you'll know exactly how dangerous this behavior can be. Not only does it distract you from doing the job properly, but it also makes you feel bad about yourself when you inevitably mess something up.

 2- You Don't Always Get What You Want

 Ever had a friend who constantly sends you messages? Or someone who texts you all day long, asking if they can borrow money for something or telling you about how they aren't feeling well? Chances are, you probably don't respond to any of these messages unless you absolutely have to. When we feel obliged to reply to messages, we end up saying yes to whatever it is that person wants and it becomes a habit. Once we realize that we're getting distracted by notifications, we may find ourselves texting back and forth unnecessarily. It might seem like fun at first, but eventually, it will lead to you wasting valuable time.

 3- It Could Be Dangerous

 If you're driving, chances are that your smartphone is distracting you. There was a survey where drivers were asked to complete certain tasks while behind the wheel and it was discovered that those who had their phones out were two times more likely to commit traffic violations. This could mean anything from changing lanes without signaling properly to speeding. Even when we're not driving, though, we still risk being distracted. In fact, according to research, more than 50% of students admitted to falling asleep while studying with their phones nearby. To avoid the dangers of mobile distraction, use apps that help you stay focused.

 4- It Makes Us Look Like Idiots

 Smartphones are everywhere and no matter where you go, you're bound to bump into someone staring down at

Why to install app
Why we need apps on our smart phone

the screen of their phone. When we stare down at our devices, we're subconsciously showing everyone around us that we're not paying attention. If you're walking along and spot a stranger looking down at their phone, chances are that they aren't thinking about what they're going to order at lunch or what movie to watch tonight. When